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2023 in review: Work begins on historic Lansford church

Work to preserve the 173-year-old Welsh Congregation Church on West Abbott Street began this past year.

Construction on the church began in 1849, and time had taken its toll on the historic building, which also served as Lansford’s first school as well as being used by Catholics and Protestants in the valley in its early days.

The Lansford Historical Society, which acquired the building in 2018, found major damage as it began work on the roof.

The entire structure needed to be jacked up and stabilized.

Francis J. Hutta Builders of Coaldale undertook the project to stabilize the building and prevent further water infiltration.

The old Welsh Church, as it is known, is the second oldest Welsh Congregational Church in Pennsylvania.

The historical society is also seeking additional funding in the form of a state gaming grant to continue its preservation work on the church, which includes a retaining wall to protect the structure.

The society is also in talks with a donor to provide a new ceiling in the church, said Bruce Markovich, vice president.

“Hopefully, we will hear something after the first of the year,” he said.

Welsh Congreation Church, Lansford TIMES NEWS FILE PHOTO
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