2023 in review: Bowmanstown awaits funds for fire station
Bowmanstown Fire Department has applied for a Local Share Account statewide grant, but likely won’t know until spring where things stand.
“We submitted our grant in October,” said borough fire Chief Michael Spairana Jr. “We’re in contact all the time with Congresswoman (Susan) Wild’s office about any type of federal funding.”
However, Spairana said the department won’t know anything until the federal budget is passed.
“I don’t know of any other grants out there,” he said. “We did have meetings with (State Rep.) Doyle Heffley, and a representative from (State Sen. David) Argall’s office and Wild’s office was there.”
Until then, Spairana said it’s basically a wait-and-see approach.
“Trying to come up with funding to do this building,” he said. “We’re spinning all the wheels; just have to wait to see.”
In September, borough council unanimously approved a resolution and letter of support for the fire company to apply for an local share account statewide grant.
Originally Council was weighing including borough offices in the project. Council said this grant does not include the borough relocating its municipal offices.
Whether or not the borough’s municipal offices will be included will be discussed at a future fire committee meeting at a later date.
Earlier in September, council on a 5-2 vote rejected the request to authorize submittal of an LSA statewide fund application for replacement of the fire company as it stands.
The LSA statewide grant is for $1,074,999 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
In August, council narrowly voted 4-3 to submit a Local Share Account Fund Monroe County grant application by the fire company.
The LSA grant of $1,074,999 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority would be used for replacement of the fire company building.
In May, Bowmanstown borough and fire company officials appeared to be on the same page.
They said at that time both would like to be housed together on property earmarked for a new fire station.
Spairana Jr. asked council at that time about the possibility of incorporating the borough offices with state Department of Conservation and Economic Development grand funds.
Spairana said the new building, estimated to be $1.9 million, would all be paid for by grants, and added “Our intent is not to spend a dime; it’s all going to be paid for (by a grant).”
The fire company received a $925,000 grant for a new fire company building that came from statewide gaming from DCED.
The fire company was hoping to receive a grant from either DCED’s Monroe County Local Share Account, or a Redevelopment Assistance Capital Budget Program grant.
The fire company has a concept design for the new station to be above the picnic grove on Lime Street.
The existing fire station would be torn down and made into a parking lot.
Spairana has said the fire company would not go forward with a new fire station unless it receives 100% funding.