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Jim Thorpe news

PTA meeting

The L.B. Morris PTA will meet on Thursday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of the school. Please park in the rear of the building. The meetings are open to parents/guardians of students at the L.B. Morris grades kindergarten through eighth grade, or anyone in the community interested in the organization.Community supperThe free community supper at St. Mark's/St. John's Episcopal Church, Race Street, will be held on Sunday, Sept. 27, from 4 to 6 p.m. The menu this month is baked ziti.Nativity planning meetingPlanning is starting for the annual Live Nativity. Those who would like to be a part of it this year are encouraged to attend the meeting. Organizers would love to hear your ideas. No acting experience is required for any of the portrayals.People of all ages are also needed to help with the set, sewing, and ironing. There is a place to suit anyone's interests.The meeting will be at the Ebenezer E.C. Church at 441 Center Ave. in Jim Thorpe, on Thursday Sept. 24 at 6:30 p.m. If you can't attend the meeting but are interested in helping please contact the church office at (570) 325-2855.