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Weatherly PTA hosts open house

Due to events beyond their control, the Weatherly PTA will not be hosting meet the teacher events this September. Instead, the PTA invites parents to a PTA open house from 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 4 in the middle school lobby.

The open house will give parents the opportunity to speak with representatives from community organizations such as the PTA, scout groups, Wrecker Booster Club and the Weatherly Area Band Parents.PTA membership forms will be available for the 2014-2015 school year.If interested in volunteering to be a homeroom parent, please return the PTA memberships no later than Sept. 16. A notary will be available at the open house to notarize the volunteer affidavits.The instrumental demonstration is also scheduled at 7 p.m. Sept. 4.If you have any questions, contact Donnell Stump at 570-579-8801.