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50 animals inoculated against rabies at Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club clinic

Fifty pets were inoculated on Sunday against rabies during a fall rabies clinic held at Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club, Lehighton.

Bonnie Harley, organizer, said proceeds of the clinic will be donated to Carbon County Animal Response Team (CART).During the spring rabies clinic at Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club, proceeds from the event were donated to Tim Kleinhagen, the man who was driving the propane delivery truck when Pazzazz Boarding Kennel burned down.Dr. Betsy Squires of Forest Inn Animal Hospital was the veterinarian in charge of Sunday's clinic.Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club started the clinic because of their many members who hunt and have dogs that are in the wild are exposed to the dangers of rabies. The club will host its next rabies clinic on April 25, when distemper shots also will be available in addition to the rabies vaccination.Since Pennsylvania law requires all dogs and household cats be vaccinated at three months of age and the vaccination be kept current throughout the animal's lifetime, rabies clinics are a low cost way to have your pet vaccinated.

Gail Maholick/TIMES NEWS Patty Serpico holds Buddy's leash as he gets his rabies vaccination from Dr. Betsy Squires of Forest Inn Animal Hospital. Enticing Buddy to forget about his shot with a box of treats is Bonnie Harley of Beaver Run Ron and Gun Club. Fifty dogs and cats were inoculated against rabies during the Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club fall clinic.