Published May 19. 2014 12:40PM
The Pennsylvania Game Commission plans a controlled burn Tuesday of 211 acres in Blythe Township.
The burn will be on state game land 326. The 2,691-acre tract is south of Route 81 and east of Route 61.In this area, there is a problem with regenerating various oak species such as scarlet, white and chestnut oak. The red maple, black gum and black birch seedlings, along with a thick blueberry understory, have created a thick layer of shade, preventing sunlight from hitting the forest floor.Sunlight is necessary for the acorns to sprout and regenerate the oak component within the forest. Also, a thick layer of accumulated leaves has created an additional barrier on the forest floor, making it difficult for the acorn roots to become established in the soil. Creating and maintaining healthy oak stands is extremely valuable to wildlife.Acorn productionprovides an important fall food source for both game and non game animals.