Published March 28. 2014 07:32AM
Spring has arrived and it's time to clean out closets, basements and attics.
Boy Scout Troop 98 wants to help with spring cleaning with its upcoming Used Clothing Collection on Sunday, April 13.Scouts are collecting: men's, women's and children's wearable and usable clothing; shoes, belts, handbags; linens (such as bedding, curtains and towels); stuffed animals; hard toys, including bicycles.The troop will receive money for every pound they collect.The money will be used to help support the upcoming Maine High Adventure Trek Group trip.The public is asked to put all items that are being donated into tightly tied plastic bags. Bring the bags to the end of Jena Drive, next to the entrance to the Brodheadsville Self Storage, off Route 115 in Brodheadsville, from 1-4 p.m.If you have any questions, contact Claus Herrmann at 570-350-0653.