Palmerton Borough sets street sweeping schedule
Palmerton Borough will implement its street sweeping program on April 1.
Signs are posted on streets indicating the parking restrictions. Residents are asked to remember to check your sign, and remember the date when the street is to be cleaned.Citizens are also reminded that the time change for the cleaning is the same as snow removal. Cars should be moved between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m., the evening before your scheduled sweeping day.This will allow an early start for the borough's street sweeping crew.Clip and save the following listing for your reference.• Avenue A, 200 block, north, first Monday• Avenue A, Third Street, west to borough line, north, first Monday• Avenue B, 200 block, south, first Tuesday• Avenue A, borough line east to Third Street, south, first Tuesday• Charles Street, Columbia Avenue to Edgemont Avenue, east, second Monday• Charles Street, Columbia Avenue to Edgemont Avenue, west, second Tuesday• Church Street, Franklin Avenue to Lafayette Avenue, west, second Monday• Church Street, Franklin Avenue to Lafayette Avenue, east, second Tuesday• Circle Drive, entire outer circle, second Monday• Circle Drive, entire inner circle, second Tuesday• Columbia Avenue, entire length, south, first Tuesday• Columbia Avenue, entire length, north, first Monday• Delaware Avenue, entire length, north, even Fridays• Delaware Avenue, entire length, south, odd Fridays• East Princeton Avenue, Sixth Street to borough line, south, first Tuesday• East Princeton Avenue, Sixth Street to borough line, north, first Monday• Edgemont Avenue, 100 block to Fifth Street, north, first Wednesday• Edgemont Avenue, 100 block to Fifth Street, south, first Thursday• Edgemont Avenue, 700, 800, 900 blocks, south, third Tuesday• Edgemont Avenue, 700, 800, 900 blocks, north, third Monday• Fifth Street, Alley A to Lafayette Avenue, west, second Thursday• First Street, Franklin Avenue to Lafayette Avenue, east, first Thursday• First Street, Franklin Avenue to Lafayette Avenue, west, first Wednesday• First Street, Avenue A to Delaware Avenue, west, second Wednesday• Fourth Street, Delaware Avenue to Aquashicola Creek, east, second Thursday• Fourth Street, Delaware Avenue to Aquashicola Creek, west, second Wednesday• Fourth Street, Columbia Avenue to Harvard Avenue, east, second Monday• Fourth Street, Columbia Avenue to Harvard Avenue, west, second Tuesday• Franklin Avenue, entire length, north, second Monday• Franklin Avenue, entire length, south, second Tuesday• Harvard Avenue, 100 block through Fifth Street, south, first Thursday• Harvard Ave, 100 block through Fifth Street, north, first Wednesday• Lafayette Avenue, entire length, south, first Thursday• Lafayette Avenue, entire length, north, first Wednesday• Lehigh Avenue, entire length, south, second Thursday• Lehigh Avenue, entire length, north, second Wednesday• Mauch Chunk Road, entire length, north, third Wednesday• Mauch Chunk Road, entire length, south, third Thursday• Princeton Avenue, 71 Princeton Avenue to Fifth Street, south, first Thursday• Princeton Avenue, Hillside Avenue to Tunnel Street, north, third Monday• Princeton Avenue, 71 Princeton Avenue to Fifth Street, north, first Wednesday• Princeton Avenue, Hillside Avenue to Tunnel Street, south, third Tuesday• Second Street, Franklin Avenue to Harvard Avenue, west, first Wednesday• Second Street, Lafayette Avenue to Columbia Avenue, east, first Thursday• Second Street, Delaware Avenue to Alley, east, third Monday• Second Street, Delaware Avenue to Alley F, west, third Tuesday• Second Street, Delaware Avenue to Avenue B, west, third Tuesday• Sixth Street, entire length, west, second Thursday• Sixth Street, Alley A to Delaware Avenue, east, second Wednesday• Smith Avenue, 3rd St. to Circle Drive, north, second Monday• Smith Avenue, 3rd St. to Circle Drive, south, second Tuesday• Third Street, Avenue B to Delaware Avenue, west, second Wednesday