Published March 07. 2014 05:00PM
The Palmerton Area Democratic Club will meet 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Fireline Hotel in Bowmanstown.
Attorney Carole Walbert, Democratic State committee person, will deliver a report from the recent state committee meeting. Members who attended the PA Progressive Summit in Harrisburg recently will also share information from the sessions they attended."We have come back energized and eager to share some of what we've learned," said Sarina Berlow, club president, who attended the summit.The club continues to collect canned goods at each meeting to benefit the food bank run by the Community Action Council of Palmerton Area Churches.The area covered by the club includes Palmerton, Bowmanstown and Towamensing and Lower Towamensing townships. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, from September to May, at the Fireline Hotel. Annual dues of $1 a year were due Jan. 1.For more information or to volunteer to help at the upcoming Spaghetti Dinner, contact Berlow at 610-597-0106 or