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No tax increase in 2024 Lansford budget

Lansford Borough Council approved its 2024 budget, which holds the line on taxes, on Wednesday night.

The $1.95 million balanced spending plan calls for $263,575 for general government, $502,425 for public works, and $758,375 for police, which includes the salary of the new police chief.

Other spending includes $15,475 for buildings, $15,050 for fire, $41,200 for code enforcement, $13,100 for zoning, $27,075 for other public safety, $17,125, municipal administration office; $3,850, debt service; $59,000, miscellaneous; and $237,567, grant expenditures, including for a new borough garage and Brimble’s wall.

The budget also sets aside $100,000 for a used street sweeper, which is included in the public works spending.

Revenues include taxes, $1,303,470; licenses and permits, $18,000; fines and profits, $20,750; interest, rents and royalty, $35,350; intergovernmental revenues, which includes grants, $314,417; charges for services, $225,550; public safety/crossing guards, $8,975; copy charge, $75, and other sources, $27,225.

Resident Rose Mary Cannon questioned revenues on the budget, specifically how much was generated by real estate taxes, and how funds for the fire department were allocated.

Council President Bruce Markovich said he believed the amount of revenues listed had something to do with people not paying taxes on time, and he would look into the fire department funds again. The borough works with tax professional Lacey Gonzalez on formulating the budget.

Council approved the final budget with no further discussion. Outgoing councilman Martin Ditsky was the only opposing vote.

Other business

In other business, council:

• Approved a handicapped parking space for 359 W. Water St. for a resident, who is a quadriplegic, and tabled another application at 24 Jones St. for review.

• Approved a request for reserved parking for Coal Miners Bar and Grill for its delivery driver. This is similar to what the borough did for Cabrera’s Pizzeria and Restaurant, Markovich said.

• Hired ARRO Consulting for rental inspections, including billing.

• Hired Brinkash and Associates to survey the borough property recently sold to resident Ryan Eidle, who plans to construct a self-storage business. Eidle thanked the borough and inquired about the next steps in the process.

• Hired Bob Kresge as a public works employee at a probationary rate of $20 an hour. After 10 weeks, Kresge would become a union employee at rate of $25.13 an hour.

• Approved amending the winter parking ordinance for the unit block of East Ridge Street and the 100 block of West Ridge Street for parallel parking from Dec. 1 to March 31. Outgoing councilman Bill Chuma said they’ve done this in past years, and it seems to work better for all involved.

• Heard from council members and residents thanking those outgoing councilmen for their service. In addition to Ditsky and Chuma, Councilman John Turcmanovich will be departing at the end of the year. Ditsky also thanked everyone for supporting him on council.

• Approved setting up a meeting with the water authority regarding restoration of the 200 to 300 blocks of West Abbott Street following their project.

• Tabled hiring an assistant secretary. A special meeting will be held to fill the vacancy, in addition to other year-end business.