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Group aims to provide warmth

A Tamaqua group is making sure that everyone stays warm this winter.

Safer Streets for Tamaqua’s Little Feet recently launched its Giving Tree. Located at Depot Square Park in the borough, the tree is decorated with donations of hats, gloves, socks and scarves for children and adults. They’re available for those in need.

This marks the eighth year for The Giving Tree project.

Folks gathered at the park to place items on the tree, sing Christmas carols and enjoy hot chocolate provided by the Tamaqua Station Restaurant.

To help with a monetary donation or find out how to donate winter accessories, visit www.saferstreetstamaqua.com.

People gather for the launch of the eighth annual Giving Tree project at Depot Square Park in Tamaqua. JILL WHALEN/TIMES NEWS
A sign explains the purpose of the Giving Tree, a project of Safer Streets for Tamaqua's Little Feet. JILL WHALEN/TIMES NEWS
The Giving Tree at Depot Square Park will be decorated throughout the season with hats, gloves, scarves and socks. JILL WHALEN/TIMES NEWS