Walker Township to have properties reassessed
Property reassessments will begin in Walker Township this week.
Schuylkill County is reassessing around the county and now it’s Walker Township’s turn. The county has an outside firm that will be valuing properties around the township.
The data collectors will be visiting properties to collect information, including photographing properties. Residents are advised that the assessors will ask permission if they need to go on their property; but, the assessors will not need to enter the homes for any reason.
“This is the first reassessment since 1996,” township Solicitor Chris Reidlinger said.
Other business
Supervisors voted to begin advertising the 2024 draft budget beginning Dec. 8 and continuing for the required 20 days. A special meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Dec. 28 to adopt the budget.
• According to information the township received, a change in the Sunshine Act involves adding an item to the agenda for a public meeting.
“In the past, the municipality was allowed to vote at a meeting to add an item to that meeting’s agenda, then vote on the item,” Reidlinger said. “This change, due to a recent court decision, means an item needs to be advertised at least 24 hours before the meeting for it to be added to the agenda.”
There will be certain exceptions; however, the general rule now is that items cannot be added to the agenda the same night as the meeting.
• The township is accepting applications for part-time police officers. All applicants must have Act 120 certifications.
For more information and an application, contact the township office at 570-668-4603.
• The New England Fire Company reported that it responded to eight calls in November, bringing the year’s total to 67.
The fire company will be sending out fund drive letters in January.
• Supervisors approved the 2024 meeting schedule.
A reorganizational meeting is at 2 p.m. Jan. 2 at the township building.
Supervisor meetings will be the first Thursday of each month starting in February. The July 4 meeting will be July 11.
The Planning Commission meetings will be the fourth Thursday of each month.
• Supervisors passed a motion to list a 1996 Ford F350 truck to sell on Municibid. The reserve price will be set at $8,000.