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Lehighton Borough Council

Lehighton Borough Council on a 6-0 vote took the following action recently:

• Dissolved the current Civil Service list, and agreed to create a new list.

• Adopted a resolution changing the signers for the Multimodal Grant.

• Agreed to advertise for Requests for Proposals for 2024 Municipal Engineering Services.

• Approved the Barry Isett UCC fee schedule for 2024.

• Accepted the resignation of John Kreitz from the planning commission.

• Approved the reappointment list of Manny DaCosta and Donald Hahn, four-year terms, Planning Commission; Judy Wingert, Sara Wingert, and Jacob Hoffner, three-year terms, Shade Tree Commission; Russell Schoenberger, five-year term, Water Authority; James Deebel and Manny DaCosta, five-year terms, Sewer Authority; Richard Zimmerman, Ricky Graver, and Denise Murphy, five-year terms, Zoning Hearing Board; Manny DaCosta, five-year terms, Central Carbon Municipal Authority.

• Appointed Reagan Smith to a one-year term on the vacancy board.

• Approved the Lehighton Downtown Initiative Wine on the River on May 4; Farmers Market on May 18; and Christmas in July on July 20.

• Approved St. Luke’s 13th annual Hospice Bike Ride on June 1.

• Advertised the 2024 meeting dates, and noted council meetings will start at 6:30 p.m.

- Terry Ahner