Published November 28. 2023 12:38PM
Penn State Extension is surveying the public to gather insights that will shape its health and wellness programming for the next three to five years.
The goal is to serve Pennsylvanians in ways that are meaningful and accessible to them.
Among other topics, survey respondents can indicate their level of interest in:
• Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
• Cancer prevention.
• Diabetes prevention and management.
• Exercise and fitness.
• Heart disease prevention and management.
• Nutrition and food preparation.
• Women’s health.
• Aging successfully.
This confidential survey will take about five to 10 minutes to complete. Survey respondents can enter for a chance to win a voucher for a free Penn State Extension health and wellness course and a health and wellness gift basket.
The survey is available at
Questions about participation in this survey can be directed to Elise Gurgevich, Penn State Extension assistant director for food, families and communities programs, at