Published November 25. 2023 05:35AM
Franklin Township supervisors took the following action on Tuesday:
• Approved payment of $134,158 for the overage of the bid from the Community Development Block Grant project for Phase II Red Hill Road.
• Approved employee No. 105’s hourly rate to $19.57, retroactive to Oct. 30, per recommendation of the township’s interim road foreman.
• Authorized Girard Pension Services as trustee to adjust eligible retired police officer Thomas Beltz’s COLA at a rate of 3.2%, effective Jan. 1.
• Agreed to advertise the board’s intent to hire Independent Auditors to audit all of the township’s 2023 accounts.
• Announced there is no change in garbage collection pickup for the Thanksgiving holiday.
• Agreed to hold a second meeting for the township’s zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances and zoning map changes at 7 p.m. Nov. 29.
- Terry Ahner