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Board grants conditional approval for Franklin Commons minor subdivision

Franklin Township supervisors on Tuesday granted conditional approval for the Franklin Commons minor subdivision.

The subdivision’s intent is to carve out existing home on a 1-acre lot from the larger subdivision of about 97 acres.

The conditional approval was granted as long as all engineering comments and outside agencies are met.

Supervisors approved the following waivers that were requested for the proposed minor subdivision Franklin Commons:

• A section of the township’s subdivision and land development ordinance requires the lot depth to be not less than one time the average width. The waiver is from this section to permit a lot depth that is greater than one time the average lot width.

• The township’s land ordinance requires contour elevations be provided at intervals of 5 feet. The waiver is to permit contour elevations to be provided at intervals of 10 feet opposed to 5 feet.

• The township requires a Pennsylvania Historic Museum Commission Review for archaeologically sensitive sites and historic sites. The waiver was to not require a Pennsylvania Historic Museum Commission Review for this approval, as no earth disturbance is being proposed as part of the minor subdivision appeal.

• The township is permitting final plans to be drawn on a different scale, based on direction from the township engineer.