Palmerton UVO members properly retire U.S. flags
It was a respectful retirement of worn out U.S. flags.
That was the purpose of a ceremony for the disposal of unserviceable flags conducted by the Palmerton United Veterans Organization Friday morning.
The formal retirement ceremony of the flags took place out front of the Palmerton Memorial VFW Post 7134.
Earlier in the day, a group of veterans removed flags from the Palmerton area graves of deceased veterans, including Towamensing Cemetery in Palmerton.
Afterward, about a dozen members held the formal retirement ceremony of the flags at the legion.
The flags, which have served over markers for graves, or were displayed at various public places and worn or tattered, were presented and inspected by officers of the legion.
Those flags that were unfit for use were then properly disposed of.
Ed Moyer, Commander, Palmerton American Legion Post 269, said that over 1,500 flags were removed from eight cemeteries: Two at Trachsville, along with New Catholic, Towamensing, St. John’s, St. Vladimir, St. Matthews, and Bowmanstown.
Moyer said there were also nine Civil War veterans behind the Little White Church, and one veteran buried along Fireline Road.
“We’re one of the only that take the flags off in the winter months,” Moyer said. “It saves the markers, and makes a little less work in the spring.”
But, Moyer added, “they are not taken off in disrespect of our veterans.”
He said they take the flags off the grave sites, and that anyone who would like the flags of their veteran for the winter may pick them up at the Legion or at Vic’s Time in Palmerton.