Published October 06. 2023 01:35PM
Commonwealth Charter Academy, the largest K through 12 public cyber charter school in Pennsylvania, for the second consecutive year, has been selected by the Central Penn Business Journal and Lehigh Valley Business as one of the Best Places to Work in PA for 2023, among 46 businesses/organizations in the large companies category.
“CCA strives to treat its employees with respect, dignity, and professionalism and provide staff with a high-quality work environment, competitive compensation, excellent benefits, and a work-life balance,” said CCA President and CEO Thomas D. Longenecker.
“How we treat our staff is directly reflected in the care and compassion they express to our enrolled students and their families. Team CCA takes pride in their work and they are to be applauded for all they do each and every day for our students, families, and each other.”
Founded in 2003, CCA is a family service organization with an expertise in education that enrolls nearly 24,000 students from across Pennsylvania and employs more than 1,900 administrators, teachers, and staff.
With its in-house designed and created proprietary learning management system and K-12 courses, CCA employs state-of-the-art, first-in-the-industry, innovative practices to deliver high-quality, flexible educational programs and services to students throughout Pennsylvania.
Best Places to Work in PA identifies, recognizes, and honors the best places of employment in Pennsylvania in three categories: small companies, with 15 to 99 employees; medium companies, with 100 to 249 employees; and large companies, with 250 or more employees.