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Parryville’s short-term rental ordinance will be reviewed

Parryville’s quest for a short-term rental ordinance has advanced to the next step in the process.

The draft of the ordinance was completed at borough council’s Sept. 11 meeting, said council President Jason Smith.

“It will now be sent to our solicitor and zoning officer for their review,” Smith said. “The hope is that we will have this complete and approved by the end of the year.”

At June’s council meeting, it was stated that a notice of violation had been sent to a short-term rental owner.

Also at that meeting, it was noted that code enforcement had issued citations for 20 properties, three of which had requested hearings.

Open council seat

At Monday’s meeting, council announced there has not been interest to date to fill a vacant seat on council.

Smith said advertising was completed via social media, but with no response.

“The open position was posted, and no one has shown an interest at this time,” he said. “I am continuing to hopefully recruit someone for that position.”

Smith said the seat had been occupied by his father, former Councilman Donald Smith, who passed away on Aug. 20.

Playground equipment

Also at Monday’s meeting, council approved the purchase of a regular size seesaw, as well as a smaller size seesaw for smaller children, at a cost of not more than $10,000.

Smith said the money for the project was specific funding obtained in a grant several years ago, and added that none of the money used for the project came from taxpayers.

He said the borough’s playground was completely mulched.


• Council also thanked all property owners who cleaned up their properties when they received notices of violation.

• Council announced that the leg work for the Cherry Alley project will be completed this fall/winter.

The project is slated for completion this spring.