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Bridge replacement starts in 2025 in Mahoning

A bridge replacement project in Mahoning Township will begin in 2025.

The State Route 3005 Country Club Road Bridge over Mahoning Creek is scheduled for replacement, it was announced at a recent board of supervisors meeting.

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation said the purpose of the project is to maintain a safe crossing of Mahoning Creek on Route 3005 that meets current design criteria.

The project is needed because the existing bridge is in poor condition, PennDOT said.

The existing structure over the creek is a two-span concrete encased I-beam bridge on full height concrete abutments.

The existing two-span bridge will be removed and replaced with a single-span structure.

The structure will carry two 9-foot lanes with two two-foot minimum variable width shoulders. Sidewalks are not present on the existing structure and are not proposed for the replacement structure. Horizontal alignment for Route 3005 will match the existing horizontal curve. The project will be built using a relatively short detour.

PennDOT said it’s anticipated that construction will begin in late 2025, with an anticipated completion in 2026.

The State Route 3005 Country Club Road Bridge over Mahoning Creek is scheduled for replacement. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS