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NL Boot Camp helps students have good start

It was a groundbreaking new approach of transition and orientation for Northern Lehigh Middle School students to start the new school year.

Known as Middle School Boot Camp, the innovate concept was on full display each morning of the first week of school to help students have a successful experience.

The four-day program wrapped up Thursday with an opportunity for seventh and eighth-grade students to learn about the extracurricular activities that are available to them.

Thursday’s theme was “Bulldogs Together,” which consisted of INSPIRE; a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support kickoff assembly; bullying prevention; an extracurricular activities fair; and teamwork.

“There’s a difference between bullying and conflict,” middle school Principal David Hauser explained to students. “You’re all going to experience conflict.”

Hauser said that while disagreements are going to happen, bullying becomes something worse.

He then introduced school police officer Scott Prebosnyak, with whom he demonstrated several scenarios of bullying.

“It can be the hardest thing in the world to look the other way, but you have to do it,” Hauser said. “Retaliation cannot occur; it’s against the rules, it’s against the policy.”

Prebosnyak then discussed the meaning of harassment, and Hauser then went over self-defense with the students.

“You have to handle your conflicts in a healthy way,” Hauser said. “Bullying does not need to exist, harassment does not need to exist.”

Charles George, English Language Arts instructor, then discussed Bullying and the Brain, and the long-term consequences bullying can have on someone.

George told the students that people who are bullies have higher rates of aggression and depression.

“The decisions you guys are making now are directly affecting the kind of people you will be 10, 20, 30 years from now,” George said. “You are the person that you choose to be; choose to be a good person.”

After the program, Hauser explained “this is our new approach to student orientation. We want to make sure our kids were adequately prepared for middle school.”

Eighth-grader Landon Eck said he believes the Boot Camp program was a helpful learning experience for the students.

Fellow eighth-grader Savannah Thompson agreed, and added that the program not only helped the students, but also taught them new things as well.

The program began Monday with Middle School Basics.

Tuesday’s theme was “We’ve Got Your Back,” and focused on student assistance teams; Security/ALICE; Safe2Say; Aevidum; essential skills; and handling conflict.

Wednesday’s theme was “Making the Grade,” and was centered upon note-taking; reading strategies; math mindedness; goal setting; organization; and enrichment classes.

Above: Northern Lehigh School District police office Scott Prebosnyak reviews the meaning of harassment with Northern Lehigh Middle School students as school Principal David Hauser watches on Thursday morning to mark the conclusion of the school's four-day Boot Camp program.
Left: Northern Lehigh Middle School English Language Arts instructor Charles George discusses Bullying and the Brain with middle school students. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS