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Thorpe opening parking spaces

Jim Thorpe Borough Council voted Thursday night to advertise an amendment to its permit parking ordinance that will open up several spots to non-permit holders.

If approved, approximately 15 spots on upper West Broadway and High Street will become available to anyone during normal weekday business hours.

Jim Thorpe enacted permit parking last year allowing residents who live on Broadway, West Broadway, High Street, Race Street, Hill Road and Quarry Street to purchase an annual permit for $15. The permit grants them a chance to park from 5 to 415 W. Broadway or anywhere on High Street without receiving a ticket.

While residents inside the permit zone said the ordinance is having the intended effect, business owners and residents outside of the permit area told council several of the spots, particularly near the Stabin Museum and Café Arielle at 268 W. Broadway, and along High Street, are underutilized.

Council is proposing allowing non-permit holders to park in the designated spots from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday for the regular meter rate of $1 per hour for up to five hours. Permit holders would still be able to park in those spots at no additional cost beyond their annual permit fee for an unlimited amount of time.

“There is no one perfect answer for everyone, but this is a compromise. On nights, weekends and holidays, these spots would revert to regular permit parking where only the permit holders could park there.”

Should non-permit holders be able to snag one of the newly opened spots, they can pay the parking fee via the FlowBird mobile app, which the borough also uses throughout the downtown at its kiosked spaces.

The amendment will be available for review for 30 days and council could act on the change at its Sept. 14 meeting.