Published May 09. 2019 02:45PM
The French and Spanish Honor Societies of Marian High School inducted 19 students on April 24 at a special Mass celebrated in the school gymnasium.
Taking part in the ceremony were the officers of the French Honor Society: Andraya Pikitus, president; Lucca Stroia, vice president; Gráinne Kelly, secretary; and Alexander Kubishin, treasurer. The officers of the Spanish Honor Society are Emma McClafferty, president; Alexa Murray, vice president; Meghan Darrough, second vice president; Ariel Stanalonis, secretary; and Joseph McGinley, treasurer.
The new members received membership certificates from Mrs. Jean Susko, principal.
Father Brian Miller was the main celebrant of the Mass. Parts of the Mass were read in French and Spanish, as well as in English.
After the ceremony a continental breakfast reception was enjoyed by the members, their parents and guests in the cafeteria.
The new members of the French Honor Society are: Sophomores, Karina Barcenas, Madison Dando, Kaitlyn Doyle, Christina Walko and Jamison Wheeler.
Inducted into the Spanish Honor Society were: Sophomores, Owen Brady, Emily Breslin, Haley Curnow, Alivia Karchner, Molly Maguschak, Vincent Pan, Gavin Vercusky and Tatianna Zeleniak.
The moderators of the societies are: Maureen Heffelfinger, French Honor Society, and Deborah Coles, Spanish Honor Society.
Front row, from left: Grainne Kelly, Alexander Kubishin, Lucca Stroia, Andraya Pikitus, Alexa Murray, Ariel Stanalonis, Meghan Darrough, Joseph McGinley and Emma McClafferty. Second row: Makenna Piaskowski, Vincent Pan, Carolyn Mehallo, Gavin Vercusky, Haley Curnow, Jamison Wheeler, Emily Breslin, Karina Barcenas, Madison Dando and Molly Magushak. Third row: Christina Walko, Kaitlyn Doyle, Jonathan Bonomo, Tatianna Zeleniak, Owen Brady, Abbey Digris, Rachel Casella, Alison Anilosky. Fourth row: Mackayla Aucker, Emily Eroh, Thomas Betterly, Alivia Karchner and Sarah Halupa. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO