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Source of $125K donation to McCord's campaign is a mystery

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A political action committee that gave $125,000 to the failed gubernatorial campaign of former Pennsylvania Treasurer Rob McCord has been fined after it didn't explain where it got the money.

The Pennsylvania Department of State said Thursday that it assessed the Enterprise Fund the maximum $500 in late filing fees.

McCord resigned last Friday as Pennsylvania's elected state treasurer and signed an agreement in federal court to plead guilty to extortion charges for using his office to try to strong-arm contributions to his gubernatorial campaign.

Department of State records show that the political action committee was created in 2013 by lawyer John Estey, a one-time chief of staff to former Gov. Ed Rendell. Estey didn't immediately return telephone messages.

McCord's campaign reported the $125,000 Enterprise Fund donation last May 21.