The annual Christmas list
All I want for Christmas ……
• A bathing suit that takes 50 pounds off my body.• A Dragon device that lets me speak into my computer and have it type what I say.• A new breed of Congress folk who will realize our forefathers never intended for the job to be forever.• Friends on Facebook who share interesting topics - not their daily routines.• The DVD set of "Boardwalk Empire" so that I can research the era during which our Dad lived in Atlantic City. Perhaps that could lead to my finally writing a book? We don't get HBO, so I've never seen the series.• Phone calls from the people I love.• A cold Christmas Eve so daughter Jennifer can light the fireplace during our celebration.• A promise from my two good friends in PA - Judith Ann Smith and Louise Thear - that they will try to make a visit here during 2014.• Safety in schools for all children in our country.• Front row seats for "Mockingjay" - the next movie in the "Hunger Games" series. After reading all the books and seeing the first two movies, I just know that the third and final installment will be fabulous.• A candle that doesn't ultimately drown itself so that the Baby Jesus in our nativity set doesn't have to be in the dark.• Our grandson Jordan and his wife Cierra and their puppy Dez can make it home for Christmas. They are stationed with the Air Force in California and will hopefully have enough holiday leave to get to Florida for the holidays.• A Merry Christmas for all the employees of the Jim Thorpe Area School District, Carbon County Volunteers for Literacy and the Waccamaw Branch Library - my last three places of employment.• A cure for cancer, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.• Family togetherness, love and peace for the Mohre, Zammito, Leyfert, Romanisko and Kmetz families. Remembering past Christmases brings warmth to my heart.• Good times and exciting adventures for all our friends in 2014.• Merry Christmas and Happy, healthy New Year wishes to all of the readers of this column. Please have a blessed holiday surrounded by those you love.Thanks for reading this column for the past 18 years. We'll have to wait and see if the Dragon comes for Christmas and perhaps then this column can continue in 2014.If you would like to contact Dr. Virginia Wells Smith, she can be reached at: or in care of this newspaper.