Published December 10. 2013 05:00PM
The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs and Drug Free Pennsylvania are launching a statewide contest for middle and high school students.
The seventh annual contest, "Sound Off! A Drug Prevention Public Service Announcement Contest," will provide an opportunity for youth to send a positive message to their peers and communities that drugs and alcohol do not have to be part of their activities.The theme of this year's contest is: "Why Say No? Join the Conversation Against Substance Abuse."The contest is open to all public, private, and home-educated Pennsylvania students in grades 6-12. The winning PSA will be aired on television stations throughout the state as well as on YouTube and the Drug Free PA Facebook page. An award will be presented to the winning schools during a school assembly.Drug Free Pennsylvania has programs available that provide lessons to help students and adults become more familiar with the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.The programs also teach students to become critical consumers of the media.Guidelines and registration forms are available at you have any questions about the contest, please contact Drug Free PA at 717-232-0300 or e-mail The deadline for submissions is Feb. 28, 2014.