Officer Phil gives safety talk to Palmerton students
Be safe, feel safe, and stay safe.
Those were among the lessons students at S.S. Palmer Elementary were recently taught in a fun, energized way during an assembly in the school gymnasium.The Officer Phil Safety Program focused on important safety lessons.Officer Phil utilized his first magic trick, a coin trick, to capture the attention of the students. Safety tips associated with this magic trick are to wear a bike helmet, fasten seat belts, and listen and follow the bus driver's rules.Next, Officer Phil presented an illustration known as Strat-O-Spheres, which featured three different balls to remind students of a traffic light. However, the balls represent different safety rules: The green ball means go, and the safety rule is when walking, make sure to follow all the safety rules; the yellow ball equals caution, as in to use caution when meeting strangers, either in person, or online; while the red ball means stop, as in don't give out phone numbers, addresses, or send pictures to anyone unless grownups are with and say it is OK.The colored balls were then placed into a tube one at a time, each time reminding the students of the safety rules associated with that color.When the students said the magic words, "Be Safe", the balls disappeared, leaving the students to wonder where they went. Officer Phil then made the balls reappear.Afterward, Officer Phil talked about being healthy on the inside, which means eating healthy, and exercising. Students were reminded of the good foods they should eat, such as fruits and vegetables, fish and protein, and were told to exercise to stay physically fit.Eating right also means that the students need to eat the most important meal of the day, breakfast. Officer Phil then told the students that he wanted to share his breakfast with them, at which time snakes popped out of a can. He then emphasized that in order to be healthy on the inside, we need to take care of our bodies by eating right and exercising.From there, Officer Phil's special pal, Lucky Duck, came out singing and telling duck jokes. Lucky also talked to the students about being safe, and reminded them that police officers are there to help keep them safe.Also, Lucky Duck said the students should feel safe at school, and at home. If they do not feel safe, they are to talk to their grownups, teachers, or police officers.Finally, the students participated in a game called, "What would Officer Phil do?" at which time the students were given different scenarios and asked to think about the answer.The students were divided into two teams, and the program ended with Lucky Duck singing a song that summed up all the lessons they were taught.Afterward, Officer Phil urged the students, parents, and teachers to go to the website and request additional materials.There are Values in Action cards, and a VIP poster that will reinforce the lessons taught in the program, and in the activity books that the children receive after the program.