Published September 21. 2013 09:00AM
In October the Borough of Lansford will send collection letters to property owners with delinquent sanitation accounts. The borough, in adherence to borough ordinance, will charge an administrative fee of $25 on each delinquent sanitation account. There are currently over 250 accounts which are delinquent.
Property owners will have 10 days from the date of the delinquent notice to make payment in full.If payment is not received, citations will be filed which will result in additional charges or the borough will pursue collection methods available to them including real estate liens.The borough recently placed real estate liens on 50 properties to protect its indebtedness.Anyone aware that their account is past due can avoid the administrative cost by paying before the letter is sent out on Oct. 10. Sanitation bill payments must be made payable to Lansford Borough and can be paid in the office of Dan Wynn, 1 W. Ridge Street. He can be reached at (570) 645-9944.Once the delinquent account letters are sent, payment on delinquent accounts will be accepted at the borough office until further action is taken for collection.Residents with delinquent accounts are urged to bring their account up to date before litigation increases the cost.