Carbon fair preparations made
This year marks the 19th anniversary of the Carbon County Fair, and the fair association is busy.
The Carbon County Fair kicks off on Aug. 6 and lasts until Aug. 11, with admission to the fairgrounds starting at $5 for anyone over the age of 6.
Fair entertainment includes performances by Georgette Jones, DJ Chicken Nugget, Rick K. & The Allnighters, Southern Reign Reunion, Martin Family Circus, Brian Dean Moore Band and The Cramer Brothers Band on the main stage.
Activities include a baking contest, fair queen program, garden tractor pull, antique tractor pull and a demolition derby. Children’s Day at the Carbon County Fair will be Aug. 7 and includes a ride special, special drawing for prizes in the Kids Zone, all-day pony rides, farmer for a day activities, knockerball and intermittent times with Smokey Bear. A tie-dye T-shirt station will be added this year.
The fair’s website was updated recently to include more information about this year’s activities and performances.
Road signs advertising the fair will be placed before July 4 along with the distribution of brochures and posters within the community and its surrounding areas.
The association is meeting monthly to discuss plans.
Inventory will be taken in the arena along with annual cleanup and maintenance to ensure that everything is up to par before fair season begins.
Committee members are still debating the best course of action to remove excess manure from the fairgrounds.
Plans to rent dumpsters to manually remove the manure were discussed, but an official decision was not yet made.
The Junior Fair Board spoke of plans to add educational programs to the fair’s list of activities. Possible programs include the Lehigh Gap Nature Center and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.
Committee members spoke of ways to improve fair safety including adding a new first aid station along with plans to train staff in basic first aid, CPR and logistics.
The next Carbon County Fair Association meeting will be held on July 20 at St. Luke Gnaden Huetten Campus in the community room.