A century of worship
Parishioners and visitors with the Calvary Evangelical United Methodist Church in Lewistown Valley celebrated a centuries worth of dedicated worship and service at their Lewistown Valley Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle's 100-year anniversary celebration started this past Saturday and continues through Labor Day.In 1913, outdoor services were first held in a tent. The present day Tabernacle was built at some time prior to 1925. Summer services are still held each year at the facility."I remember when there was just straw on the ground; not pavement," said Carl Heisler, 84, of Walker Township. "My parents and grandparents also came here. The only time I didn't worship here was when I was serving in the Army from 1954 to 1956."Adding to the weeklong of events, parishioners and guests participated in a dedication program Sunday morning at the Tabernacle. The program involved a dedication service, songs, walking tours of the grounds and prayer of consecration at the Tabernacle's three large, wooded trade mark crosses.During Sunday's program, lay leader Terry Gerber talked about new improvements and renovations to the Tabernacle. Some of which included new asphalt handicap parking spaces, signs, drive thru, perimeter overhead doors, front walls, closet, windows, scripural signs, concret floors and carpet, alter rails, padded pews, pulpit, pulpit tables, lighted cross, sound system, projector, wheel chair platform. Gerber also talked about the construction of the new pavilion and kitchen building. The building includes a full kitchen with air conditioning and heating, sound system/speakers, basketball court, new well and water treatment system, restroom renovations, perimeter lighting, playground, swings, volleyball court, horse shoe pits, handicap parking/signs/walkway.Longtime volunteer Beverly Heisler said cervices continue each evening at 7 p.m., as well as Sunday and Labor Day services at 10:25 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.The Tabernacle, located at 614 Valley Road, holds services from July 1 to Labor Day. For more information about the Tabernacle, visit (570) 668-2398, (570) 668-4459 or online at