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Air wars over Pennsylvania budget standoff to hit TV screens

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A forthcoming TV ad from a national Democratic group that supports Gov. Tom Wolf will expand the air war over his week-old budget standoff with Republicans who control the Pennsylvania Legislature.

The Democratic Governors Association says the 30-second statewide TV ad by an affiliate group starts Wednesday. It will criticize Republicans over the budget bill Wolf vetoed, saying the Republicans' plan let the oil and gas industry off the hook, didn't adequately fund education and deepened the deficit.

The group says it's spending over $500,000 to run the ad for 10 days.

Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman says Republicans don't support Wolf's pursuit of a tax increase on income or sales. Corman isn't ruling out other kinds of tax increases, such as on gas drilling, to help Wolf meet his goals, within reason.