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Horvat graduates from Widener

Taylor Marie Horvat, daughter of Joseph and Valerie Horvat of Lansford, graduated Summa Cum Laude with dual degrees, Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering and chemistry from Widener University on May 17. The graduation was held at The Mann Music Center.

Horvat was the recipient of the David Arnold Organic Chemistry Award, The American Institute of Chemists Award for Chemistry, a co-recipient of the Outstanding Science Undergraduate Researcher Award and UMBC Undergraduate Research Symposium where she placed second with her organic chemistry poster.

She was a member of the Engineering Honors Program, president of the Omega Chi Epsilon, master of ceremonies for the Alpha Chi Sigma-Rush Chair and is on the president’s list of scholars for having a 4.0 grade-point average.

While at Widener she was a two-year member of the Widener Music Department, AiChE treasurer, secretary for the Chemistry Club, member of the Society of Women Engineers, chemistry tutor and a resident assistant.

She is the granddaughter of Anthony and Grace Kondertavage of Lansford and Anita and the late Frank Horvat of Lansford.

Taylor has accepted a position with Merck & Co. Inc.

Horvat is a 2015 graduate of Marian Catholic High School.
