Published April 26. 2013 05:04PM
"Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" Why, he's at Pleasant Valley High School's old auditorium tonight and Saturday, April 27 at 7 p.m. in the production of William Shakespeare's tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet" by PVHS's Shaky's Players under the direction of Robert Young. Appearing as some of the main characters are, left to right, a halberd bearer Dayne Coleman, Lord and Lady Montague (Alex McLaughlain and Amanda Bahn), Romeo (Frank Lioni), Juliet (Danielle Strunk), Lady and Lord Capulet (Kat Ramos and Ed Harbison), halberd bearer Robert Fitzgerald, and the rest of the cast prepare to bring to the stage one of Shakespeare's most famous and beloved plays.