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Speakers needed for Tamaqua Community Hour

Members of the Tamaqua Volunteers community initiative group and Tamaqua Salvation Army volunteers are looking for people and organizations to speak during their new weekly Tamaqua Community Hour program to be held every Monday evening at the Tamaqua Salvation Army.

The free program, called Tamaqua Community Hour, will last about an hour and be held in the Chapel of the Salvation Army. In addition, the event, which will start at 6 p.m. and be open to anyone, will be shown live over the Internet on the TamaquaArea.com, TamaquaSalvationArmy.com and TamaquaVolunteers.com websites."I am looking for persons or groups that would like to speak about anything interesting and important to Tamaqua and surrounding communities," said group President and program coordinator Andrew Leibenguth. He added that topics are endless and will range from history, health, volunteerism, youth projects, school events, discussions and so on. If you or your organization would like to speak, contact Leibenguth via Facebook, email

AndyLeibenguth@TamaquaArea.com or call him at (570) 668-1234.