Published April 11. 2013 05:02PM
The Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club, located on Smith Road in Sciota, will be sponsoring a Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) Hunter-Trapper Education course on Sunday, May 19, Sunday, June 23 and Sunday, July 21. The Sunday class begins promptly at 8:30 a.m.
You must preregister online at No walk ins will be allowed due to limited seating. Minimum registration age is 11 years old.There is an online four-hour home study session that must be completed before attending the actual class.The program is based on the new PGC curriculum supporting a one-day, six-hour class.Those attending should bring a lunch.Certification earned is required by Pennsylvania law for all first-time hunters.Refer questions to contact instructor Randy Strunk at or Pennsylvania Game Commission.See club website for directions at