West End news for Feb. 1, 2018
Career apprentices at the Pleasant Valley High School are seeking help. They are trying to gather 2018 cans of tuna for the West End Food Pantry.
Anyone who would like to donate some tuna, may drop it off with the staff at the main office or send it in with one’s child.
Once the goals are reached, dress down days will be rewarded for the entire school. Help to reach the goal is greatly appreciated.
Groundhog Day
The local Grundsow Lodsch will celebrate Groundhog Day on Friday with the annual gathering at Cherry’s Diner in Kresgeville, explains Earl Meckes, current president of the lodge. Arrive at 7 a.m. to hear the groundhog’s forecast, as interpreted by translator Neil Murphy.
Everybody’s welcome, President Meckes says. Breakfast will be available for purchase after the ceremony.
The monthly meetings are for men only, with the next one being on Feb. 28. Meetings are now conducted in PA Dutch and in English, so that all can understand better.
Monroe Seniors
The Chestnuthill Seniors of Monroe, meeting at 9 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays at Zion Lutheran in the Fellowship Hall, are scheduled to meet Friday this week and Wednesday next week.
However, the menu and special events for each week have not yet been posted.
Zion’s Willing workers will meet after the 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship service.
Basket auction
Pleasant Valley Middle School PTO basket auction is on the calendar for Saturday and Sunday. Snow days are next Saturday and Sunday.
He’s back
The Rev. Gene Hamilton will again preach at Salem UCC in Gilbert Sunday. The service is at 10 a.m.
Throat blessing
In recognition of the Feast of St. Blaise on Feb. 3, Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in Gilbert will have a Blessing of the Throats at all Masses this weekend.
Teachers honored
Pleasant Valley Intermediate Employees of the Month for January are Laura Ammermann, fourth-grade teacher; Jenny Kuntz, fourth-grade teacher; and Trevor Kresge, fifth-grade teacher.
SAL meets
The Sons of the American Legion will meet at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Legion post home in Gilbert. Later that day, beginning at 5:30 p.m., there will be a Super Bowl party. It is open to Post members and guests. Attendees must sign up at the Post and bring a covered dish along to share.
Souper Bowl
Some West End Churches are celebrating Souper Bowl Sunday in conjunction with Super Bowl Sunday.
Some will allow congregation members and visitors to throw offerings in a big soup pot to reflect their choice of game winners as well as support the local hunger ministry.
Others will be serving hot soup for a donation to the symbolic pot, and still others may be collecting cans of soup to give to the local food pantry.
And some will have big pots for donations of canned goods such as fruit, pasta, vegetables, sauces, etc. and nonperishables. Like other years, there will also be a little competition involving the teams who will be playing in this year’s Super Bowl.
Rehearsals begin
The Pleasant Valley Middle School will present “Dear Edwina Jr.” on April 27, 28 and 29.
Rehearsals will begin Monday, depending on whether it is the cast or the chorus.
Families are reminded to promptly pick up their child/children at 6 p.m. on rehearsal day.
Ross Supervisors
The Ross Township board of supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the Ross Township Municipal Building, on Anchorage Road in Saylorsburg.
Chestnuthill Supervisors
The Chestnuthill Township board of supervisors are slated to meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the municipal building in Brodheadsville.
Program addition
A new program is coming to Eldred Township Community Center. It is Adult Recess, a free, fun open recreation time from 6 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday evening in February. Adults can come to play hoops, walk, jump rope, learn how to play Pickleball, etc.
Anyone with questions can contact Ann at 610-381-4252, ext. 2.
Eldred Supervisors
The Eldred Township board of supervisors meet at 7 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Eldred Township Municipal Building on Kunkletown Road.
Anniversary Mass
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Gilbert, will celebrate an Anniversary Mass for all married couples of the parish with a special Vow Renewal Ceremony for those married 25, 50 or more years at the 11 a.m. Mass on Feb. 11.
Parish couples celebrating those anniversaries are asked to call the church office or email churchoffice@qopchurch.org.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.