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Family Promise dress down day a success

Since the inception of the "Family Promise" in November of 2011 funding for the program has depended on grants, generous donations from a few individuals and organizations, donations and fundraising efforts of the participating churches.

With an annual budget of $87,000 the Family Promise Fundraising Team is constantly on the lookout for new ways to increase participation in funding the program.In May of 2012 Family Promise Carbon County received a generous donation from the proceeds raised from a Dress Down Day organized by the employees of Pencor Corporation. This donation lead to the invitation for every school, organizations, businesses, and government agency to participate in the Feb. 15 county-wide Dress Down Day to benefit Family Promise.The Jim Thorpe School District led the way with donations totaling $890. Way to go Olympians!!! Schools joining the Olympians for Dress Down Day were Panther Valley, Weatherly, and Lehighton school districts. The total raised from all sources as of this article is about $2,500. Based on this success Family Promise intends to repeat the event annually the week of Thanksgiving which is National Homeless Awareness Week.Tina Dowd, chair of the Fundraising Team and co-owner of Sundance Vacation Rentals, one of the two or three businesses that participated, commented, "We are pleased with the results and thank everyone that participated. I am optimistic that more businesses and government departments will join in future Dress Down Days once the event becomes more widely known".Family Promise of Carbon County provides temporary shelter, meals, and transportation to meet the basic needs of qualified families that lack resources for permanent housing. In the first six months of operation 10 children from six families entered the program homeless and are now living independently once again.Tax deductible donations in any amount are appreciated. Checks should be made payable to Family Promise of Carbon County and be mailed to 167 S. Third St., Lehighton, Pa. 18235. Or use Pay-pal at the web-site

www.familypromisecarboncounty.com . To speak to a representative call (610) 379-4757.Any questions please contact either Alicia Kline at

leash28@gmail.com, (610) 762-0877 or Bob Welch

bbwelch@ptd.net , (267) 671-7035.