Published December 11. 2015 04:00PM
Summit Hill
Christmas partyAmerican Legion Post 316 in Summit Hill will hold its annual Christmas party for children of the community on Dec. 19.The doors will open at noon, after which time the children will be treated to a hot dog and soda while they await the arrival of Santa Claus.He is expected to arrive at the post home at 1 p.m. and will greet the children, giving each of them a gift from the Legion. The event will run through 3 p.m.Legion duesMembers of American Legion Post 316, Summit Hill, are reminded membership dues for 2016 are now due.The Legion announced the national organization has increased annual dues beginning next year.Members who pay their 2016 dues before the end of the year can avoid paying the higher rate because Post 316 is accepting next year's dues at the current rate before it changes in January.Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or