Published February 01. 2013 05:04PM
Nanticoke Senator John Yudichak (D- Luzerne/Carbon/ Monroe) issued the following statement after Governor Tom Corbett announced his plan to privatize the state liquor stores.
"I stand with a growing number of Pennsylvanians who are very skeptical of the Administration's privatization efforts. In recent weeks, with no public input, the Administration handed over one of our state's most profitable public assets, the Pennsylvania Lottery, to a private company that quickly dished out multi-million dollar bonuses to corporate executives while simultaneously putting over a hundred Pennsylvania workers on the unemployment line.""Now, the Governor wants to put a for sale sign on another profitable public asset, the state liquor stores, and put another five thousand Pennsylvanians out of work. With chronic unemployment hovering over nine percent, how can putting five thousand people out of work be good for business in Pennsylvania?""Worst of all, the Governor's fixation with privatization now includes a bizarre and unhealthy attempt to tie education achievement to what can only be described as a one-time alcohol funded stimulus package."