Published January 23. 2016 09:00AM
The SHINE Afterschool Program works on innovative hands-on projects to teach students about careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Rachel Strucko, director of the program, credits apartnership with Carbon Career & Technical Institute in Jim Thorpe with the success of some of the projects:
• Hover crafts.• A solar-powered shed.• An electric race car.• Learning about molecular gastronomy.• A DUI trailer, which was donated to the Carbon-Schuylkill DUI Task Force. This project was made possible through a partnership with Kovatch Mobile Equipment in Nesquehoning.• Constructing BMX bicycles that were then donated.• 3-D printing a doll house, a human heart and other various working objects.• Converting an engine to natural gas.• 5-foot, 5-inch functioning robot using a kit that was received through NASA.• Raising trout in partnership with the state that will be released this spring.• Teaching a 21st Century Afterschool 3-D STEM Academy to educators from 10 school districts in northeast Pennsylvania, 10 businesses and industries and three technical intermediate schools during a daylong conference.• Yoga classes and painting to help unleash their artistic sides.