Published January 25. 2013 05:02PM
Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. Third St., Lehighton, will hold its third Sunday after Epiphany worship of the Word at 9 a.m. Sunday. The Rev. Donald Hayn, Interim pastor, presides. Coffee house fellowship follows.
Sunday School Power Hour will not meet Jan. 27 due to the annual congregational meeting at 10:30 a.m. Congregational members are urged to attend.In the event of inclement weather, look for cancellations on TV 13 and WFMZ TV. A recorded message will be placed on the church office phone within two hours of the worship time or call (610) 377-4303.Interim pastor Rev. Donald Hayn is available in the church office Monday and Thursday mornings. He will do at home and hospital visitations during afternoon hours. Church members are encouraged to call the church office to make known your pastoral request, such as baptism, wedding, visitation. He will preside at most weekly Sunday worship services. He is excused on the third Sunday of each month. The interim pastor is serving Trinity during this time of transition while a spiritual leader is being sought to serve full time.Looking ahead to first Saturday 5 p.m. worship with Holy Communion, the format will change to Intinction. This is the act of immersing the consecrated wafer in grape juice in order to enable the communicant to receive the two elements as one. It is the practice at Trinity to substitute grape juice for wine when intinction is used.