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Palmerton Community News

Miller Blood Drive

Miller-Keystone Blood Center will conduct its bimonthly Palmerton community blood drive on Wednesday, Dec. 19, at the First United Church of Christ, next to Palmerton Borough Hall. Registration hours are 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. This visit is sponsored by Larry and Sharon Engle, and Janet Snyder.Blood can also be donated to a specific person. Ask the registrar for a dedication card.High school students who did not donate at the school in November can donate on Dec. 19, and still be eligible to donate at the school in late February.Donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh 110 pounds, and be in general good health. Parental permission is not required that is a school rule. First-time Miller donors should bring photo ID, such as a driver's license. Previous Miller donors are reminded to bring their donor cards.They expect to have Trima machines available.Previous Trima donors are asked to call George at (610) 826-2097 to make an appointment.Whole blood donors may also make appointments, which will give them priority at registration. However, walk-ins are also welcome.