Published December 11. 2012 05:01PM
Penn State Extension is offering for childcare providers a science workshop, Saturday, Dec.15, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Lehighton Annex Building, 101 N. 3rd Street, Lehighton, PA 18235. The topic is Science for All Seasons.
How can you get children excited about science throughout the year? This workshop provides ideas for incorporating science into daily activities and plans for all age groups. Participants will learn how to create outdoor learning environments to support science in every season.They will also engage in hands-on learning activities/experiments to support their understanding of science concepts and will understand how the activities meet the Early Learning Standards.This event is a hands-on, fun filled event that provides teachers with the resources they can immediately implement in their programs. Come prepared for learning, fun and prizes. Pre-registration and payment is required.Call (570) 325-2788 or email for a registration form.