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Feed the People dinner schedule

Feed the People, a non-profit, mobile community café serving Carbon County, has changed its schedule. Beginning in January, Feed the People will only be serving dinner. The breakfast schedule has been changed to a dinner schedule.

Feed the People is a 501C3 organization started by community members to insure those who are hungry have a safe, welcoming place to have a meal. Feed the People was developed and funded by community members. All food is freshly prepared at each site. All are welcomed regardless of where they live. No registration is required. No one is charged for a meal. Hunger should not be an option.Beginning in January, dinner will be served at each site from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. as follows:• First Tuesday of each month: The Heritage Center, 1 West Hazard Street, Summit Hill (except for January);• Second Wednesday of each month: Trinity Lutheran Church,104 East Abbott Street, Lansford;• Third Wednesday of each month: St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1 East Abbott Street, Lansford (use the Tunnel Street Entrance).In addition to providing dinner on a monthly basis, Feed the People also provides dinner for holiday celebrations: Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.Feed the People accepts donation of money, fresh or canned foods, volunteers to help prepare, serve and clean up. Help with recruitment of staff or donations. Volunteer for a day, a week or as available.Feed the People is home based at The Heritage Center, 1 West Hazard Street, Summit Hill.Contact: Rita Trucios, Director(570) 657-1480 or at
