Published October 24. 2012 05:03PM
The Christman Fields in Franklin Township are getting a makeover.
Wayne Wentz, president of the Franklin Township Athletic Association, and Bill Hill, both Lehighton Area School Board directors; Larry Strohl, all residents of Franklin Township; and Ron Steigerwalt of Lehighton; are replacing the chain link fencing around the Babe Ruth field, while Jebber Diehl, also of Lehighton, is replacing the soil and grass in the infield to promote better drainage.Diehl is donating his time and the use of his equipment to redo the infield, while Wentz, Hill, Strohl and Steigerwalt are replacing hundreds of feet of fencing that is at least 19 years old.Wentz noted that the interior of the concession stand is also slated for renovations this fall."The girls held a Chinese auction and 31 Bingo and raised $3,700 that will be used to make the kitchen area of the concession stand look you're in a fine restaurant," said Wentz.Wentz said that he wanted to let everyone know, especially the people and businesses who donated funds that the money raised was being put to good use.Wentz noted that Franklin Township supervisors and Robbie Cressley, road foreman, are supporting the effort by allowing the Association to use the fill dredged from the Phifer Ice Dam Park ponds to improve the fields.Wentz said that the concession stand renovations should be completed by the time sign ups take place in February. He said that the concession stand renovations will be done throughout the winter."We're donating our time for the betterment of the community," said Hill. "We're working to make it a better facility for the children."There are four fields in the complex, a softball field, Babe Ruth field, T-ball field and Coach Pitch field.Wentz noted that the fencing needed to be replaced because several areas were ripped.
Gail Maholick/TIMES NEWS Larry Strohl, Bill Hill and Wayne Wentz, are replacing the fencing around the Babe Ruth Field at the Christman Field in Franklin Township. Hill and Wentz are also Lehighton Area School board directors.