Two brothers give gift to art department
The Pleasant Valley School District board of directors gave two brothers a standing ovation at the last school board meeting.
It was their way to show their appreciation to two of its students for their generous and unsolicited donation to Pleasant Valley Intermediate School's art department.Mason, a PV ninth grader and Zachary, a PV seventh grader, are the sons of Janine and Jay Broderick of Kunkletown.As Quakers, they are asked to save a third, spend a third and donate a third of their incomes. Several years ago, the parents gave their young sons allowances and they were asked to follow the thirds rule.One year they donated $250 to the Heifer International, which provided several chickens and a cow to families in need.Another year, they donated $100 to the American Cancer Society.Zachary, who has a form of autism, wanted to donate to the Walk Now For Autism Speaks, an event he and his family were participating in that donates the proceeds to fund research. He and Mason gave $1,000, from their allowance and by collecting donations.When Mason and Zachary were ready to make their donation for this year, they remembered a conversation that took place at their family's dinner table. The discussion had been about the cutbacks schools have had to make in recent years. One of the departments severely affected in today's schools is the art department. They have seen its effects in their own school. Both young men had Melinda Ludwig as an art teacher at PVI and enjoyed art class. They decided to donated $200 to the art department."We noticed that some of the things we had were from previous years and we felt bad. So, we wanted to give the art department our money," says Mason.Melinda Ludwig says she received an email from their mother, explaining what her sons do each year and that they wanted to donate their savings to the art department this year."I got chills and my eyes watered up at their thoughtfulness and generosity," she says. "They are both wonderful boys. And what wonderful parents."Janine Broderich says that as a family, they try their best to help others as much as they can. It is a lesson she and her husband, Jay, try to instill in their sons.It is said the measure of a man, or woman, is judged by the works that they do. If that is true, the PVSD judged these two young men as measuring up.Words of thanks were expressed from not only Ludwig, but also from Dr. Douglas Arnold, PVSD superintendent ..."You are to be commended," and from Tom Murphy, PVSD board president ... "You are outstanding young men" who then stood up and began clapping his hands in appreciation. Almost as one, the other members of the board and the public rose to their feet and clapped enthusiastically.Somewhat taken aback from the response, Mason and Zachary just see themselves as two guys doing what they can to make the world they live in a better place.