Published September 05. 2012 05:02PM
Tamaqua residents can finally turn north onto Pine Street (SR309) from Mauch Chunk Street while waiting at a red light.
Prior to this, drivers wanting to turn north onto SR309 had to wait at the intersection for up to two and a half minutes, even when there wasn't any traffic.On Tuesday, PennDOT contractors replaced the No Turn On Red sign at the intersection with a new sign that states the rule only applies to Sunday from 8 AM to 12 PM. The four hour time was selected around church service times, in which more cars are parked along Pine Street, limiting the view of traffic going north on Pine Street.Prior to the signs placement, residents routinely stated their frustration over the No Turn On Red sign, which was placed their in past months during PennDOT's Tamaqua CBD project. PennDOT subcontractors pointed out that they will be spending the next few days updating traffic light intervals and timing at many intersections.
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS The new sign only limits Mauch Chunk Street traffic from turning on red Sunday morning from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.