Published August 14. 2012 05:01PM
The Walker Township board of supervisors is working to make road repairs before paving season is over.
At last evening's meeting at the municipal building, the board accepted the only bid it received to make road repairs on Wildcat Road and Shady Lane.Township Dave Horst said that the bid from EJB Paving and Material was higher than previously estimated, but because EJB put in the only bid and paving season is coming to a close, the board felt it was best to act now.The work on Wildcat Road will cost $43,974, and the work on Shady Lane will cost $36,456, totaling $80,430.Lastly, Supervisor Craig Wagner announced that a four-year state audit was now complete. Excluding a filing issue with the minutes of 2009, the board was happy to report no problems with their books in the last four years.Next Walker Township board of supervisors meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the municipal building.