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Lehighton news

Trinity happenings

Sunday worship with Holy Communion at Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. Third St., is at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Gluten-free communion wafers are available for those with allergy issues. The Rev. James Covert presides at Holy Communion, Vicar Lauren Heywood presides during worship. Coffeehouse fellowship is at 9:30 a.m.Sunday church school classes for students age 3 through grade six begin at 9:45 a.m.Senior high youth group, students of grades 9-12, will meet 5-7 p.m. Sunday in the church's youth room. The vicar is the director.For those desiring to arrange baptism, Heywood will meet with parents and provide instructional information at 1 p.m. Sunday. For those desiring to become members at Trinity, the vicar will meet at 1 p.m. Sept. 25 with information. Please contact the church office in advance to preregister at 610-377-4303.Bethany EC ChurchBethany EC Church, 222 North St. holds Sunday worship with the Rev. Jeff Stansbury, pastor.Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m. with classes for all ages, including adult Bible study class, morning worship at 10:45 a.m., preschool nursery available and Jr. Church provided for children in kindergarten through sixth grade.Tuesday: Ladies Bible study, 10 a.m.Wednesday: Bible study, 6 p.m.; prayer meeting, 7 p.m.Thursday: Bus trip to Decision America Prayer RallyUpcoming events:Sept. 24: Women's movie night at the church open to the public, 6 p.m.Oct. 16: Fall Rally Day with guest speaker, the Rev. Adam Roberts.Currently accepting new or gently used children's clothing size infant to 12, boys and girls. Drop off at church, inside side entrance on Tuesdays 10-12am.Lehighton Bethany EC is online at

wwwbethanyec.weebly.com. Email:

Bethany@ptd.net. Church office: 610-377-0724 or follow Bethany on Facebook.Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or
