Published June 23. 2012 09:01AM
Twenty two members of the Tamaqua Senior Citizens group got a chance to ride
S.T.S. Miss Molly Trolley during their trip to Knoebel's recently.The last trolley in Schuylkill County, Car 303, left Saint Clair just after 11:30 p.m. on September 10, 1932, operated by motorman John Lynaugh. Now, almost 70 years later, another trolley has returned to the county as a new addition to the Schuylkill Transportation's fleet.The 22 passenger Miss Molly Trolley invokes the elegance of a bygone era with its emerald green Imron paint, hand crafted ash seats, oak interior finish and gleaming brass trim. According to
S.T.S.'s website, this thoroughly modern vehicle was manufactured by the Molly Trolley Company in Maine and is built on a Freightliner chassis.Although old fashioned in appearance, it bears modern safety requirements and is fully compatible with the Americans with Disabilities Act. A wheelchair lift can be seen in the rear of the trolley. Miss Molly has become a featured player on the
S.T.S. fixed route system.Jean Machamer, president, Tamaqua Senior Citizens, gave her appreciation to
S.T.S. for providing the bus for the trip.For more information, call (800) 832-3322 or visit
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS While parked at the Hometown Wal-Mart, members of the Tamaqua Senior Citizens group get on Miss Molly Trolley.